Saturday, September 22, 2007

Well, that sucked

My $72 winning streak has come to an end, as I donked off a buy in at 10nl with top pair 2nd kicker, to the idiot with top pair, top kicker (OMG I have AT on a draw heavy board! arrrrr in!)

I made a stupid move not knowing his cards, but knowing his, so did he.

So I then decided to see if I could improve my micro stake sng strategy, and I blew two games in a row (My win in a 45 man a couple of days ago was my only one since before my month long break), one in a $4.40 beginner sng (out in 6th..DOH, top five pay) then won a $2.20 one.

I made a very odd play that game, which will be up in tourney hand analysis very soon.

Thanks for reading! No graph today :( It's not pretty anyway

Profits: -$10 ($2.20 win cancelled out $4.40 loss)
Total bankroll: $190.75

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